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Dis-Ordered Eating Testimonials

"About 3 months ago I started working with Claire as I developed a severe fear of swallowing, Phagophobia, and fear of choking, Pseudodysphagia along with high levels of generalised anxiety and health anxiety.  When I met Claire my phobia was so severe that I hadn't been able to eat any solid food for about 3 months and for the month prior to finding Claire I was even struggling to sip water.  My body weight dropped drastically and I no longer had the energy to even get out of bed.  I was in a very bad place, desperate, feeling very lost and alone as even the feeling of having food in my mouth would send me into a panic attack, but then I met Claire!  I was so nervous before my first session with Claire, especially as it was over Facetime and I didn't know how it would feel talking so openly with someone who's on a screen in front of me but from the second our call connected I instantly felt at ease and it felt no different than talking as if we were in the same room together.  Claire really listened to everything I said and not once was I made to feel ashamed or guilty for struggling with my phobias.  I felt so at ease talking with Claire and after our first session was finished I cried because I'd finally found someone who'd given me back some hope that this phobia wouldn't rule my life any longer!  After every session I noticed big improvements in my ability to eat and drink and within the first few weeks of seeing Claire I ws able to comfortably drink water again and start to explore solid food.  I've now been working with Claire for three months and WOW!  The process we've made together has surpassed my expectations a thousand times!  I'm now able to comfortably eat and drink a wide variety of foods and my life has truly transformed!  I've also noticed a significant decrease in my levels of generalised anxiety and I am no longer having panic attacks!  My energy levels have increased and I've regained control of my life, so much so that I've even started my own small business making macrame!  Claire is an amazing woman who is incredibly talented at her work.  She's able to see the root of the issue and gently work together to resolve it.  I truly couldn't recommend Claire highly enough!  I will forever be grateful for how she has transformed my life and given me freedom from fear!  I now have a bright and joy-filled future ahead of me all thanks to Claire and NLP".


East Sussex


"Initially after suffering for four years from anorexia, I was extremely reluctant to see a counsellor. However I can now see with hindsight that it was the best decision I have ever made, since ultimately nothing is more important than your own health.

I was extraordinarily stubborn and somehow believed that I was healthy, however Claire helped me break down these walls. On the first session, I broke down in tears as she was the first person I felt comfortable talking to about my issues. She helped me imagine my own future, and how I was not living the life I really wanted to, being constantly constrained by thoughts of planning the next meal, and having a real fear around certain foods - bread, pasta, pizza, cake etc.

Despite this, we continued to make progress. It wasn't linear but Claire made sure I got back on track after a relapse.

Finally after a year and a half, I can say I have truly beaten this entrenched mindset and cycle of starving myself. I have changed my meal patterns, and now eat like a horse! I love food and feel no fear. What's more, I have put on 10kg in the past three months and have at least another 20kg to go I'm sure. It's great to be back firmly in a healthy BMI.

Thank you Claire for everything, you come highly recommended.


Male Aged 18, Kent


When I met Claire I was well and truly stuck. I had suffered with an ED for almost 9 years. For almost 9 years I was in complete denial that I had an ED and it was controlling my thoughts and the way I lived my life. I become particularly unwell last year and was both bulimic and anorexic. I had to quit my job because I couldn't function at work and I was very underweight, unwell and unhappy. My family found out about Claire and encouraged me to attend a session. I really needed help and wanted so desperately to change my relationship with food. I however didn't realise how stubborn I was about changing my relationship with food. Claire certainly had her work cut out with me. 

From my first session I felt instantly comfortable. It was a huge relief talking to a Claire in a safe space. She made me feel relaxed and most importantly not judged. After 4 sessions my bulimia stopped. Only 4 sessions!!! NLP techniques and Claire's brilliant facilitation of our sessions helped me completely re-frame my mindset and address this very unwanted behaviour. For me, that was life changing. 

For the majority of the sessions I left feeling hopeful but it wasn't all positive. Some sessions were hard, I felt frustrated and unwilling to change but the strange thing was when I left the sessions I had found so tough my behaviour did change. Often unconsciously and unexpectedly. 

I spent 7 months with Claire, working on tackling my eating disorder and anxiety relating to food. I'm proud to say I've finished seeing Claire and I'm a changed person. I don't mean to sound corny but I am. I've got a new job, I'm living life again and I have a much healthier relationship with food.

Don't get me wrong I know there will be times when life gets hard and I may try and use my eating disorder as a way of controlling situations that I feel are out of my control. The great thing is I also know I have learnt NLP strategies to stop myself. The NLP techniques I have learnt with Claire help me change my thoughts and therefore my behaviours.

I'm a hopeful and optimistic lady because of Claire and NLP. I can't recommend Claire or NLP enough. It's been life changing for me.

Thank you"


Aged 26, London


"When I first came to see Claire over a year ago, I was mentally and physically very unwell. I was 21, but I had gotten myself into such a bad situation that I had gone back to being a child who needed a lot of looking after. I had no energy, suffered from serious anxiety and panic attacks; I was deeply unhappy and extremely lost. I had been to see a councilor before but nothing had changed. Luckily, someone introduced my mum to Claire’s website who thought NLP would help.

I remember my first few sessions with Claire. Rather than speaking about the past, she asked me about my future. Just by saying it out loud, I realised that the life I wanted was far from the one I was living – this was the difference that made the difference.

Claire’s incredible method of NLP has taught me how to handle stress, to get rid of my unwanted behaviours and instead place new healthy habits, which have helped create the most positive and happy life I live in now. Most importantly, Claire has given me back my confidence, independence and sense of self-worth that I had lost before. After I began to achieve the goals I had set for myself, the weight started to go on – I wanted to be that happy, easy-going, confident person we had envisioned in my first session. Fast forward a year and I am happier in myself now than I have ever been before. I no longer have good or bad days. I live a happy and healthy life with no restrictions or anxiety, no significant highs and lows, just the normal ups and downs that happen in life!

This year with Claire has been the hardest but the most incredible, rewarding achievement. It has changed me as a person and going to her has been the best thing I have ever done. Thank you so much Claire; my family, friends and I are so incredibly grateful to you for giving me back my life, my happiness and most importantly my health".


Aged 23, Kent 


"I had been suffering from anorexia for 6 years, before my husband heard about NLP and asked (on more than one occasion) would I consider seeing Claire. I was extremely reluctant at first and couldn’t see how it could help, NLP sounded a bit weird I guess for want of a better term, but I was at a point where I had nothing to lose and I was desperate. My life was restricted in so many ways, it wasn't enjoyable, each day was about survival and getting through until bed time, all the time knowing I would get up the next day and repeat this pattern again. Obviously, this was also impacting significantly on my husband’s life, our relationship and denying him the future of a family, (which I couldn’t begin to contemplate). I had already received in-patient treatment, CBT, counselling and although improvements had been made, I was still stuck in a limited & unhappy, life. From the second / third session with Claire, things began to improve, she enabled me to make small changes in a safe way, and I didn’t feel so scared trying to break my controlling way of life. Claire made this so much easier because she is non-judgmental, professional, really easy to talk to, honest, realistic and she even manages to include a few appropriate “laughter moments” in the treatment every now and then, which I’d never have thought possible. Food is now enjoyable, (particularly cake!) and although I still have wobbles, I have tools to help me through them. My husband is elated with the progress I’ve made. Our relationship is so much happier, and we are expecting our first baby in 10 weeks time! Thank you so much Claire."




"In December 2006 we couldn't look forward to Christmas. Our beloved daughter was killing herself through anorexia. The performance of starving and being re-fed had repeated itself twice. On threat of being sectioned for the second time, I managed to persuade my daughter to seek help. When I took her to Claire the first time in January 2007 it was on the pretext of accompanying me for a session. My daughter was so ill that Claire asked me to stay in for the sessions and it was amazing to see the rapid changes in her attitude.

I am amazed myself that in 7 months my daughter has put on 3 stone and is now a healthy weight. She has been on holiday with a friend and is embarking on a new course at college and hopefully the start of a new life. Thanks to Claire and NLP".




"What do you do when you are at life's lowest ebb?

Find a saviour if you can.

Our son had probably been in denial about his eating habits for three years and would not, despite our concerns, accept that he had an eating disorder. We were watching him fade away before our eyes, totally helpless. The doctor did not seem willing to help and because he was over the age of consent would not divulge the results of consultations, even to the point of his weight. It was tragic to come home early, or by chance, and see our bright and 'full of get and go' son making himself sick and then regretting what he had done. By joining a group my wife found hope. Our son, in desperation admitted he had a problem and wanted help.

Here was the first step. By joining a group my wife found hope. He had been 'internet aware' of what he was doing but could not help himself and sometimes when as parents you are too closely involved you cannot see the future or a solution either, despite you desperate attempts. By contacting Claire and having the first consultation, our son who did not really want to go but was at least willing to give it a try found that he could at last talk to someone outside his family circle about the way he was feeling. He now wishes to get involved in helping others like himself and has energy, increased self-confidence and is starting to work towards facing the world again. 

Thanks to Claire and N.L.P our 21 year old, B.A. Honours son has a future ahead of him".


Father & Mother, Tunbridge Wells


"When I first heard I had to go and have a session with Claire I was very reluctant to go and was very adamant that I wouldn't say anything, that it would be a waste of time and that I didn't need the help. That's what I said and I thought wanted but what I actually needed was the help as I was suffering severe anorexia. 

My first session seemed to go slowly and I was counting down the minutes until I could leave. However, a month after my first session I went again and it was different, the first time I walked into Claire's room it didn't have the impression it had on me on my second visit. The room felt magical to me and after my second session I already felt a little bit stronger and in charge of Cruella who had taken over me. From that session on I wasn't counting down the minutes until I could leave but I would be counting the days until I could go again as I enjoyed and looked forward to each session. In the summer of 2009 I became very ill on a school trip and dropped down to a very low and dangerous weight, however, there is always a silver lining to everything as I feel from reaching such a low weight it made me realise what I was actually doing to myself and the long term problems which would slowly develop. Claire helped me see through all the bad things and address them then helped me search for all the positives and trust me there are only positives from getting better. When I was struggling and having really bad days I said to myself, 'I am only going to get better so the quicker I do so the quicker I get my life back.' The trust and support I got from Claire was and still is so special, without Claire I wouldn't be where I am today. I am now fully recovered after suffering from anorexia for 3 years, and don't have the challenges I used to have each day. The quicker you can let your guard down and let Claire have your trust the quicker and more effective your sessions will be. A session with Claire each week for me was something I looked forward to as Claire was the only person I could tell everything to.

Claire for me has turned my life around for the better and without her I wouldn't be where I am today, so if you are reading this and are a sufferer or carer, give Claire a call and trust me you will not regret it, everyone deserves to turn over a new leaf and with the help from Claire everyone who wants to will be able to. I hope you find Claire's room as magical as I did and are able to have a very special relationship with Claire as I have".




"When I started at University my sleep patterns became disrupted from all the new changes and I began to have trouble getting to sleep at night. As it continued, I began to panic and worry about it and managed to get it into my head that when I went to bed, I wasn't going to be able to get to sleep, and so the cycle continued. As I'd seen Claire in the past about other problems, and she'd been so great at helping me, I decided to see her again. After just one session of NLP my sleeping problems were gone! Thank you Claire".


University Student


"When my Mum first took me to see Claire, I was in denial that I had a problem, but she helped me to come to terms with it, giving me support and trust. She was the only person I felt truly understood what I was going through and helped me to recover, giving me a positive future. I'm so grateful; thank you Claire. X


Aged 18, Kent


"Hi Claire,

Just wanted to email you to say another big thank you, although I have only just started my journey of recovery I honestly believe all the work you did with me has made things so much easier this time round. I remember you saying one day when you decide to eat again, all the work we have done will make this a lot easier than you ever thought they would be, and it has. I am so determined to get better and get my life back that little voice barely has a chance to raise an argument. I think having done so much work on my outcome has made it easier for me to believe that it is really possible and that it's not as far ahead of you as you think it may be.

So I just want to say thank you for making things easier for me. I know I have a way to go but I am following the programme to the tee so I can have my outcome and be my happy better self again as soon as possible. You are a star".


Aged 17, Kent


"I was so worried about my daughter as I knew she had an eating disorder but she was in denial and any dialogue was impossible.

I felt so helpless but somehow it got to a point when she realised she needed help. I was given Claire's name and made an appointment. I sat in on the first session and saw how empathic Claire was. After the first session on her own, my daughter came out and said, "I'm so glad I've met Claire - she's the first person who really understands". I feel that this is because Claire herself had also, in the past, had an eating disorder and her personal experience gave her an invaluable insight into how my daughter was feeling and could relate to her, which was so important. The change was almost immediate and we haven't looked back - and we are able to talk about it. I shall always be very grateful to Claire for her help".


Mother, Kent

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Claire DeVal

East Sussex, UK

Image by Ana Municio

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